Sous Chef

Case Study • 10 minutes

Problem Statement

What we wanted to solve

My food loving group and I realized that we all had a common problem: where to save our favorite online recipies. Do we screenshot them? Write them in our notes app? Look up the same recipie online for the 35th time? What if there was a better way to store our online favorite recipies, and even add more features to a food and recipie related app.

Introducing, Sous Chef.

July 17th - August 4th, 2021
Hayden Araza
Dustin Bolin
Amy Molnar
Valerie Nelson
Mobile App
The Brief

Our job was to research, prototype, test, and validate an idea for a brand-new mobile application. Our creation needed to solve a real, clearly identified need in users’ everyday lives.

Our Idea

We wanted to create a recipe app that allows a user to save favorite recipes and connect with other users who have shared food interests through a variety of methods including cooking video tutorials, interest groups, and classes.


Research Methodologies

In order to understand our potential users, we started by creating a hypothesis for what we think the target demographic of the app would be. We then used research methods such as surveying and interviewing to gather data to find our true target demographic.

  • Proto Persona
  • Interview Plan & Methods
  • Results & Affinity Mapping
  • User Persona
Survey Ideology

Our goals for the survey were to better understand:

(A) How people prepare their meals and how comfortable they are with meal prepping.
(B) Users' experience levels with cooking to see if there was a need for instruction, classes, or perhaps vocabulary on certain cooking techniques and skills.
(C) How people shop for their groceries and the waste that comes from that, would we be able to incorporate a shopping list into our app.

Surveying Details

● 11 Questions
● Google Forms Survey
● Ages 18-49
● 25 Responses


Defining The User Experience

Once we had gathered the necessary data from our research, we were able to create concrete objectives and prioritize app features our target demographic expressed interest in.

  • Problem Statement
  • UX hypothesis
  • User Insight
  • User Flow
UX Hypothesis

We believe that people will acquire a better understanding of cooking better/healthy foods as our users interact with our online community of shared recipes, and online cooking classes by attaining a better control over not overspending, and better kitchen knowledge.

UX Insight

Jane Doe would like a convenient way to store their favorite online recipies and have access to more cooking related resources.


Ideation Process

With our goals defined, we started brainstorming ideas for app features to best fit user needs. We evaluated each idea carefully in relation to time, constraints,importance, and difficulty level.

  • I Like...I Wish...I Wonder
  • Feature Prioritization Matrix
  • Storyboarding
Top Ideas

(A) App could keep track of your current food inventory, and based on recipes made let you know when you are running low on items.
(B) Users could add all ingredients from online recipies to an in-app grocery list.
(C) Users can access a community of people sharing their favorite recipies based on your preferences or restrictions...i.e. weight loss, diabetes, paleo, keto, chocolate lovers, etc.

Story Board

Our story follows Selina on her journey to find delicous celiac disease friendly recipies from people who share her disease. To solve her problem, she uses the Groups feature on SousChef!


Wireframing Our App

After we had our ideas, we needed to find the best way to present the user interface of our app.

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Wireframes
Competitor Analysis

We conducted research on competitors to find what application layouts had the most success and what types of other features similar apps had.

Wireframing Online

Once we drew out our ideas on paper, we moved to digital wireframing on the Adobe Creative Cloud application Adobe XD.


Testing Our Prototype

In order to understand our potential users, we started by creating a hypothesis for what we think the target demographic of the app would be. We then used research methods such as surveying and interviewing to gather data to find our true target demographic.

  • Maze Testing
Testing Objectives

We wanted to see if users could truly opperate our application and we wanted to gather feedback and data in order to iterate our design.

Maze Objectives

● Locate the Groups Tab
● Save a recipie to your grocery list
● View your favorite recipies

Try It Out

Test For Yourself!

Test out the XD Prototype of SousChef below.

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